Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Hazardous Materials Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hazardous Materials - Essay Example The other factors include; population density, location of the highways, waterways railroads as well as the areas whose environment is affected by the incidents. The hazardous material incident representatives such as the local and state environmental agencies can be used to provide information concerning the assessment of factors pose as a threat to the environment. Confinement and containment are first lines of defense that are used at the early stages of the incidents that are aimed at minimizing risks to life and the environment. In addition, the natural and synthetic methods can be used to limit the rate at which materials are released. In case a reported incident is taking place in a building, a telecommunicator should seek information from a caller about the contents of the building and the area that surrounds it. It is imperative to ask about the type of business in a building because it could be as an indicator of the hazardous materials .This information should be directed to responding units. A caller should inform a responder on the location and the nature of the hazardous material when it is safe to do so (DeLisi, 2006). Placards are used to identify the substance that co

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